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Be Aware ! These Apps Killing Your Battery Faster

Be Aware ! These Apps Killing Your Battery Faster

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All apps are not created equal. Some are draining the life out of your battery, but there are a few tips to help-book a little bit of orange juice. GOLDEN VALLEY, Minn. "It seems as if your phone can't hold a charge for these days? It turns out that there is some software that is zapping your juice in the "faster" than the other.  So, we talked to the people at PC Mag, in order to figure this out, and find a solution. "Some of the best ones that use the most battery life are the ones that people use the most, says," Chandra Steele, Senior Features Writer at PC Mag. Okay, so it's probably not a big surprise that apps like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube, zap the life out of the battery of your phone.  However, for all of the single ladies and gentlemen out there, take a right and left side, is more than just emotionally draining. "Tinder, Bumble, Grindr, and they're all having a lot of battery power," says Steele. Soak up the place? There's an app for that. In fact, there are a lot of apps such as maps.. Experts reveal which APPS drain your smartphone battery the most Fitbit is one of the worst smartphone app to use if you have a low battery, a new report suggests. The switzerland-based cloud storage company is pCloud is analyzed 100 of the most popular, and the demand for your device. The worst apps for draining your battery was found to be a Fitbit, and Verizon, which was at the top of the heap, with a score of 92 out of 100, followed by Uber and Skype.  In joint second place was Facebook, Airbnb, and the live-streaming platform of the CITY, LIVE – in all, with a score of 82 out of 100. Also in the top 10 Instagram, Snapchat, WhatsApp, and Amazon, as well as dating apps, Tinder, Bumble, and Grindr. Five of the worst apps that drain phone's battery was found to be a Fitbit at the top of the heap, followed by Verizon, Uber, Skype, and, in the second place, Facebook.  Social media apps seem to be the best app for the draining of the batteries. Interestingly, the Twitter was outside the top 20-inch By 93% of smartphone users admit to using apps daily, our phone batteries 20 apps killing your smartphone battery  Fitbit,  Uber,  Skyрe,  аnd  Fасebооk  аre  аmоng  the  wоrst  аррs  fоr  yоur  smаrtрhоne  bаttery.  This  is  ассоrding  tо  а  reсent  аnаlysis  рerfоrmed  by  сlоud  stоrаge  serviсe  рСlоud,  whо  аssessed  100  оf  the  wоrld’s  mоst  рорulаr  аррs  tо  determine  whiсh  оf  them  рut  the  mоst  strаin  оn  smаrtрhоne  bаtteries.  In  the  study,  рСlоud  lооked  аt  three  things:   * built-in  funсtiоns  eасh  арр  rаn  in  the  bасkgrоund  –  like  lосаtiоns  оr  саmerа . * The  рerсentаge  оf  bаttery  eасh  арр  used. * the  арр  suрроrted  dаrk  mоde. The table below shows the top 20 apps that used the most battery. Position App Battery percentage  Name Of App Average Battery Consume Percentage Fitbit 92% Verizon 92% Uber 87% Skype 87% Facebook 82% Airbnb 82% Bigo Live 82% Instagram 79% Tinder 77% Bumble 77% Snapchat 77% WhatsApp 77% Zoom 77% YouTube 77% Booking.com 77% Amazon 77% Telegram 77% Grindr 72% Likke 72% LinkedIn 72% Not surprisingly, social media apps, which accounted for six of the top twenty with the battery draining your smartphone apps. This is due to that the average of the apps like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, WhatsApp, and LinkedIn to enable the 11 features to run in the background. In addition, the iPhone and Android devices, the use of the battery pack to the reports, Facebook is ranked as the number one social media app in the app that is the reason the batteries are depleted. Facebook constantly asks for permission to gain access to all of a user's contacts to find their place.  All of these background operations require more power, which will result in excessive battery consumption. The following image shows the built-in functions for each of the apps running in the background. Tips to improve your smartphone's battery life, While smartphones will differ in the way they are handling the current draw, there are a few simple ways to improve your battery life. 

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